
This environmentally friendly Granny Flat is part of “The Retreat” series and offers a three bedroom design.

INCLUSIONS fully built
Dimensioned plan view included
Elevations included
Sectional plan included
Basix not included
Engineers not included
Council approval not included
Site service not included
190 X 190 X 190 concrete blocks for piers included
Bags of sand and cement to lay blocks included
Bag of fire clay to lay blocks included
Gal Ant caps included
No more solder to seal ant cap around tie down rod included
LVL bearers  H2  bearers to manufacturers span tables included
“I” beam joists @ 600mm centres to manufacturers span tables included
Joist hangers included
Joist hanger nails included
Flashing to front bearer included
Treated sheet flooring included
Sheet flooring glue included
Std gal 75mm nails for general purpose use included
Gal threaded rod for cyclone tie down included
Nuts & Washers for threaded rods included
Gal angle brackets for tie down rod to bearers included
Gal cup head bolts for angle bracket tie down bearer to pier included
H3 treated verandah beam included
H3 joists included
joist hangers included
Joist hanger nails included
Hardwood decking included
Gal twisted shank gal nails for deck included
H3 treated stair materials to suit 1.2m wide steps included
Post support shoes for decking and stairs included
Gal Dyna Bolts for gal post shoes to concrete pier pads included
Gal cup head bolts nuts & washers for post support shoes included
Concrete to piers foundations included
3 bar TM11 trench mesh for verandah post pier holes (only) included
10mm Gyprock wall sheets included
Base coat to set all wall joints included
Top coat to set all internal joints included
Paper tape for all wall setting included
Stud adhesive for all wall sheets included
Nails for all wall sheets included
Ceiling sheets included
90mm cove cornice included
Plaster tape  52mm x 75m roll included
Base coat for all ceiling Gyprock joints included
Top coat for all ceiling Gyprock joints included
Cornice cement included
Stud adhesive for all ceiling Gyprock sheets included
Screws 25mm included
Sanding block 280mm long included
External angle PVC included
Sand paper included
Ceiling R2.5 insulation included
Wall R1.5 insulation included
H2 treated roof trusses @ 600mm centres included
Cyclone ties included
Universal triple grips included
Wall brackets included
Roofing metal speed brace included
Ceiling trimmers included
Eave sprockets included
Gable battens included
BC Runner included
70 x 35 H2 treated roof batten included
Primed H3 f/jointed 90 x 90 verandah posts included
Truss layout included
90 x 45 & 90 x 34 H2 treated stick timber for frame construction included
All window lintels for framing included
Noggins to all walls included
Wall plate connectors included
20 x 20 metal wall bracing included
Nails for triple grips bracing and wall connector plates included
Additional timber for construction bracing included
Powder coated windows and screens as per plans included
Colorbond custom orb roofing iron included
Colorbond roll top ridge cap included
Colorbond barge cap included
Colorbond roof zip screws to match roofing iron included
Colorbond fascia included
Colorbond quad gutter included
Fascia brackets included
Colorbond gutter brackets included
Colorbond fascia stop ends included
Colorbond gutter stop ends included
Over straps included
100 x 70 down pipe drops included
Colorbond 100 x 75 down pipe included
Colorbond Astragals included
Screws included
Medium grade Anticon insulation included
Colorbond Pop rivets to match colorbond products included
Silicon for gutters included
Bugle screws to secure bottom external plates to floor system included
Primeline Sumitt weatherboard 4.2m x 230mm included
Primeline Sumitt weatherboard corner moulds included
Nails for all weatherboard fixing included
Wall wrap to all external walls included
Wall wrap fixing clips included
Threaded rod for pier/floor system tie down included
Nuts &
washers for tie down rods
Hardiflex eave sheets to verandah area included
Hardiflex verandah eave lining to standard eave area included
Hardiflex gable sheets included
PVC “H” Mould joiners included
Soft sheet nails included
Quad to external eaves included
External door jamb included
Duro coat external front entry door included
Treated square dressed external architrave to door & windows included
Pine square dressed Internal window door architrave included
Internal door jambs included
Pine skirting included
Melamine shelving to main bedroom robe included
25mm chrome hanging rail to main bedroom included
25mm chrome hanging rail ends included
31 x 12 shelf support included
Ready coat Internal flush doors paint grade included
85mm butt hinges zinc included
box of 1″ 8g screws for hinges included
Passage door furniture lockwood included
Privacy door furniture lockwood included
Dummy robe door furniture lockwood included
Nylon robe gripper catches included
Lockwood keyed entrance set included
Door stops included
Hardwood timber door sill included
External paint included
Internal paint included
Aluminium shower tray included
Bathroom/laundry floor tiles included
Bathroom/laundry wall tiles included
Tile adhesive to bathroom wall & floor tiles included
Wall tile grout included
600mm single towel rail included
Towel ring included
Toilet roll holder included
Soap dish included
600mm vanity floor model included
Toilet suit with plastic cistern included
900mm x 900mm Shower rail included
45 litre acrylic Laundry tub included
Shower tap mixer included
Shower rose included
Vanity basin mixer set with spout included
Laundry tap mixer set with laundry arm included
Washing machine tap set included
Kitchen sink mixer included
Kitchen sink 1.2m long 1.5 bowls included
Upright stove & hot plates included
Gas Infinity hot water unit included
Kitchen with laminated doors and roll form bench tops included
Set out &
Dig 12 holes for pier concrete
Pour all 12 holes with concrete included
Insert tie down rods into concrete pier included
Nail joist hangers to bearers prior to  bearer
Lay bearers & Joists & Flooring included
Dill and fit 230 x 230 ant caps included
Fit gal tie down brackets to LVL bearers included
Set out all wall plates included
Stand all prenailed wall frames as per design included
Fit all wall bracing included
Install all bugle external wall screws tying walls to floor system included
Fit roof trusses included
Fit roof battens included
Fit fascia & Gutter included
Fit roof sheets (all sheets are supplied to cut length) included
Fit 100mm x 200mm barge cap to gable ends included
Fit roll top ridge cap included
Fit all wall wrap to external walls included
Fit all windows included
Fit external door jamb included
Fit all weatherboards/Colorbond to external walls and rear gable included
Fit down pipes included
Fit eave sheets included
Install 2 x verandah laminated H3 posts included
Fit intermediate verandah posts included
Bolt posts into gal post support shoes included
Fit verandah side pitching beams included
Fit joist hangers to verandah joist beam included
Install verandah front joist support beam included
Fit deck joists into joist hangers included
Fit decking boards using twisted shank nails (hand Nail) included
Build 3 tread set of steps trenching treads into stringers included
Fit kitchen included
Do internal fix out skirting architraves and quads included
Fit all internal door jambs included
Fit robe reveals included
Fit one hat shelf to robe included
Fit 25mm chrome hanging rail included
Fit robe shelf leading edge stiffener included
Fit all internal doors including 2 x robe doors included
Fit all door furniture including 2 x dummy robe handles included
Fit nylon gripper catches to robe doors included
Fit hardwood external door sill included
Fit all bathroom fittings – wc holder – towel rail – towel ring included
Install laundry tub included
Install vanity unit included
Light Points included
External light point included
Double power points included
Smoke detector included
Oven connection included
TV point included
Connection to main board included
Hot & Cold water rough in pipe work included
Subfloor drainage and stack work included
Final fit off to vanity – shower – tub – kitchen sink – toilet – W/M taps included
Installation of vent included
Water proof bathroom/laundry floor included
Water proof shower tray and walls included
Waterproof junction between floor and walls included
Water proof around taps and shower rose in shower cubicle included
Tile floor to bathroom/laundry included
2m high tiling to shower walls included
Skirt tiles to remainder of bathroom/laundry included
Splashback to vanity and laundry tub included
Splashback to kitchen cupboards one tile high included
Hang all ceiling sheets included
Set all ceiling joints included
Hang all wall sheets included
Setting all wall joints included
Fit all cornice included
Sand and finish off ready for painter included
2 Coates to ceilings included
3 coats to walls included
Full gloss to all woodwork included
Stain to external hardwood timber sill included
Lay 24 blocks included
Sand Cement & Fireclay supplied included
Core filling of blocks included
Machine to dig pier holes (pending rear yard access) included
Concrete to pier holes (to 600mm deep) Engineer may design deeper included
Skip bin delivered to site 4m3 included
TOTAL PRICE $102,350.00
3 Easy Steps