Q. What are the requirements for building a granny flat on my block?
A. There are a number of points which you must comply with in order to decide if a granny flat can be built on your land or proposed land. The current legislation is called the Affordable Rental Housing State Environmental Planning Policy 2009, otherwise known as the ‘SEPP’ and recent changes in April 2014 only extended the determination period due to advertising requirements. Applicants can still apply for complying development consent (CDC)
Q. What is the maximum size I can build my granny flat?
A. In NSW, Tasmania, the Northern Territory and Western Australia, granny flat owners can use the extra dwelling to earn rent. Recently Ipswich city council has also gone this way and we believe Logan City Council will also allow granny flats as investments.
Q. Can I build a granny flat in any local government council area?
A. As a rule, the answer is yes. You will need to check with your local council to see if there are any restrictions which may prevent a granny flat being built on your block. This can usually be identified by purchasing a Section 149(2) Planning Certificate from your local council, which costs about $40. Always good to speak with a local town planner and ask for their help in explaining what can and cannot be achieved.
Q. Do you custom build the granny flats, or are they kit homes?
A. We have a full build services in certain areas, also a full package service available to all prospective owner builders Australia wide. Every package/kit comes with a comprehensive set of inclusions, instructions, photographic details and 24/7 back up service from lic experienced builders. Owner builders can make substantial savings. However owner building is not for everybody and that’s why we have the full build service available as well.
Q. I already have an old granny flat on my block. Can I still build another granny flat?
A. No. Most councils only allow you to build one granny flat per lot. Make enquires as granny flat guidelines and regulations are changing all the time.
Q. I live on a battle axed block. Can I still build a granny flat?
A. Only if the access laneway to your block is wider than 3m, and in NSW the block measures at least 12m x 12m (excluding the access laneway). For other States a quick call to your local council building surveyor will clearly answer this question.
Q. Does the granny flat have to be separate from the house, or can it be attached?
A. We can build it either attached or detached from the main house. Keep in mind that in some circumstances, it may actually be cheaper to build it as a separate structure, as it will not interfere with the existing house. Again state by state can differ and the rules are changing all the time.
Q. Do you cater for an owners designs, do you customise your standard designs?
A. We have a range of our own designs and we will certainly look at a prospective customers design. We are happy to work with various ideas.
Q. Do I get to choose the colours and finishes of my granny flat?
A. Yes. We have a large range of colours and materials for you to choose from to suit your lifestyle. We will also advise on inferior product selection so you are not caught up with failing products.
Q. We need a granny flat that will be wheel chair compliant. Can you assist us with this?
A. “All Granny Flats” will assist in making sure your needs are met and will suggest ways to make your life style as comfortable as possible, it is all about communication and listening to your needs.
Q. How long will it take to get approval before we can start building?
A. With the new approval process recently applied in April 2014 the approval process may take up to 5 weeks. Our construction time pending on weather and trade availability should be no longer than 8 weeks. So all up approximately 13 weeks from approval to hand over.
Q. What is a private building certifier?
A. These are professional people who handle the application to councils on yours and our behalf. If your site is in full compliance with the State councils SEPP or equivalent regulatory body, then we will apply through a private certifier. Every state is different, in some states/towns/cities (like Brisbane) councils do not handle application direct they insist on private certifiers for lodgement. If there are some elements of your site which do not comply with the SEPP, then we will need to lodge a DA through your local council. This process may add some weeks to the process. Either way, this is a process which we will handle on your behalf.